Past Build Team Members

Our thanks to the following past build team members who

have contributed so much to the success of Drama Libre!

Ashleyy Feld

A crazy Canadian girl who came to SL for fun, discovered hunting and found her mentor, best friend and partner (all in one person!!) during one of these hunts. He brought her to a Drama Libre event and she's never looked back. After dropping houses on Lavim's head or deleting floors from under his feet she has become a DL builder enjoying the ever changing weekly themes. A regular with quips and laughs she is the newest crew member and learning fast.

Lavim Feld

Rocketed to this grid when he blew up the last digital verse he was in Lavim has been in SL since late 06 in a few guises. Back then he was part of the DL crew briefly and disappeared only to return, get snared by Ashleyy and brought back into the DL crew to make more stuff go boom, zoom and vroom on the sets. Filling in as a DJ on occasion he also does the heavy code work and occasionally throws out a prim or 2. He dabbles in the black scripting arts, tortures a prim like a pro and dabbles in almost everything else he can.

Landrew Kohime-Larsson

Landrew was rezzed back in Feb. of 2007, with barely a clue. Wandering SL and marveling at what other's could make and do.

Building was only something that 'other people' did, as I couldn't figure it out for most of that first year. I started going to DRAMA LIBRE in Sept. of that same year, when my new partner dragged me along one night. I was quickly hooked. In Jan. of 2009, I was aproached by Peachy and asked if I would like to join the build team. I was honored, if sleightly confused, as I barely built anything, aside from a few odd items for my costumes. Who knew that I would still be building more than 2 years later? :)

Cassie Writer-Eldemar

Discovered SL in 2007 and fell in love with being a faerie and building. It is such a delight solving prim puzzles. Olde Soul, my RL husband of 40 years joined me this summer, in pre-Victorian Winterfell. We renewed our vows, and became known as the Eldmars. Olde soon found Drama Libre, and we both love it and have enjoyed coming ever since.